Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dog Blog

I thought getting a dog would give me great blogging material. Instead, I have no time or energy to blog. I've started waking up at 5:30 in the morning in anticipation of Isabelle needing to go outside. If you know me, you know exactly how crazy this is. I have a hard time getting up at 7 to get QB ready for the school bus.

This is what the days feel like: let dog out...let dog in...Mopsy takes dog back runs away...throw on down street...catch dog...feed her breakfast...grass on the kitchen floor...sweep, sweep,'s eating Barbie!...pick up pieces...look for chew toy....let dog out...let dog in...give her a treat...mud on carpet...vacuum,'s barking at quiet Izzy!...throw her ball...poop on the grass!...clean up...brush her fur... she's asleep in the shade...she's eating a shoe! She's eating a sock! She's eating a Lego!...bring her sneaks upstairs....take dog back downstairs...aack! Poop on carpet!...try to clean up before Jarv sees it...not able to clean up before Jarv sees it....blot, scrub, baking soda....listen to Jarv rant about poop on expensive goes out.

Aaah. And this is all before noon.. No wonder we're all wiped out.

But I might be giving the wrong impression because Isabelle is a gorgeous and fantastic dog. She's sweet and gentle, low-maintenance and loving. She adores the kids and let's them do basically whatever they want to: use her as a pillow, open her mouth and brush her teeth, take food and bones away from her. In fact, she ran away from Jarv this morning and he chased her for about 20 minutes until QB came outside and Isabelle ran right over to him. QB, Mopsy and I were quite amused. Jarv was not.

The other huge plus for Isabelle is that she doesn't do a lot of those annoying dog things like jumping all over you, begging for table scraps, barking incessantly, stealing food off the counters. She just wants to lie at our feet and be rubbed. Now, if we could only solve the house-training issue....

We're in the clear on the QB allergy issue. The doc says he's got no sensitivity. The timing sure seems suspect, tho. His symptoms haven't gone away, despite being hit with about 4 different meds. We'll see.

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