Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Me: 2. Flu: 0 (knock wood)

Victory! We have shots. Got the injection for child #2, the high-risk kid with asthma. I feel much relieved. Miraculously, they even set aside a second dose for him to have in a month. Yahoo!

Of course we didn't get it from the pediatrician. That would be way too obvious. The kiddie docs here are long since out of the shot. For some reason, I thought to call the allergist who turned out to be an influenza treasure trove. Any of you desperately looking for a flu shot? Call an allergist. Who knew?

I heard today that schools in NYC were distributing H1N1 shots today. Why do we not have it here? We need that shot now! I really don't understand the politics behind all of this.

But H1N1 is my next battle. Today, I'll just be happy about this one small win.

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