Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Sunday Column

Today's column on Westport, should you care to read it....

"The Gratitude Attitude

I always hear I should write a gratitude list and read it every morning to remind myself of my blessings instead of thinking about all the things that irritate me. (Well, at least that’s what Oprah says to do. I'm betting she has a really long list.) And Thanksgiving seems like an appropriate time to get on that little task. I thought about writing out my own personal list and sharing it, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be all that interesting. Let's see...
I’m grateful that:
1. My son only leaves his wet towel on the floor 75 percent of the time now….
2. I finally figured out the source of that gross smell in the back of the car.
3. The new season of 24 is starting soon.”

Read the rest at:

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