Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Irony on Greens Farms

My Sunday column on Westport Patch, about lessons we can learn from recent death of a young Westporter:

"Every time I drive up Greens Farms Road, I can't help but think about the young man who died on it right after Christmas. He was a lance corporal in the Marines who had served in Iraq and was about to deploy to Afghanistan. He survived a war zone, only to come home and lose his life – ironically -- in a single car accident on a pretty little street in Westport.
I don't know his family, but I can only imagine how much they must have worried about him when he served his recent nine-month tour of duty. I suspect his mother was already fretting about his next deployment, which would have happened later this month. But an ordinary activity like driving in a car with his friend was probably the least of her worries."

Read the rest of the article at:

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