My Sunday column for Westport Patch this week. Already got an email from a local cop to thank me for pointing out the wide range of things that can distract people while they're driving. But for the record, it was not at all the police's fault that there was all that there was so much traffic that morning. Sheer coincidence!
"Driving while drunk? That's so 1990.
Forget intoxication. The motor vehicle infraction du jour is driving while…distracted. The state-wide law has been on the books for a while. But on Wednesday the 26th police decided to crack down, snagging people all over town who were on their phones or PDAs.
The sting operation took place during the morning commute to the train station. They set up a checkpoint at Bridge and Riverside to screen every driver.
I thought it was a great idea, despite the fact that my husband missed the train that morning because of the traffic backlog. Driving while texting is ridiculously stupid and holding a cell phone is nearly as bad. Studies have shown that we're four times more likely to have an accident when driving while using a cell.
Throughout the day, the cops ticketed 132 people. Seventy were using a hand held device. Sixty-two were not wearing a seat belt. (That one surprised me. Who doesn't wear a seat belt by now? Is it too much effort?)
But the more I thought about it, the more I realized how unclear this rule is. It prohibits you from doing "whatever distracts you" say the Westport police. Most often, that's something electronic. But the Connecticut State Police website says that this rule encompases more than just texting and talking. They advise not to drive while putting on make up, changing clothes, shaving, looking at maps, reading the newspaper. Hmm. No changing pants or reading the Times, eh? That sounds like a no-brainer.
But what about novels? They didn't say anything about novels.
And banning shaving while driving is something I can get on board with. That's an activity probably best left to the home bathroom.
But the make-up restriction, I don't know about that. See, there's a whole range of beautifying activities, some of which require more attention and mirror-time than others. Eyebrow plucking? Eyeliner application? Nail painting? Sure. I'm with you there. Not so safe at 60 miles per hour. But what about, say, a quick swipe of lip gloss? Who among us isn't guilty of glossing while driving? Sometimes you just really need your Chap-Stick even though you happen to be behind the wheel.
Here's another one: How about hand cream? That probably falls under the "personal grooming" category. I put on lotion at stop lights all the time. So is that a ticket-able offense? (Then again, there have been a few times that my hands have been so greasy it's been a bit of a challenge to keep ahold of the steering wheel. Oops.) Just wondering how that ticket might read: "driving while under the influence of moisturizer"?
I just remembered that a friend of mine once rear-ended someone while she was examining....her split ends. (It's a story I never tire of hearing.) So maybe the CSP has a point here with this ban on personal grooming.
The bottom line is, "distracted" is a pretty vague term. If you want to get down to what's reallydistracting, it's the KIDS!
Cellphones and pagers are nothing compared to a 2-year-old who's having a melt-down and kicking the driver's seat because she spilled her Cheerios. Or the five-year-old girl whose world is falling apart because her brother has taken control of the DVD player and loaded up Star Wars. Can the Westport police do anything to help us moms out with that little distraction problem?
Lightbulb! How about if the cops start handing out tickets to the loud-mouth kids, instead of the parents? The fine could be along the lines of a Barbie outfit, a few dozen Lego pieces, or ten Silly Bandz. Hit 'em where it really hurts."