Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Out with the Tree, In with the Hearts

The worst part about packing away all the Christmas stuff and hauling the tree out to the curb is that the living room looks so bare now. Boring. Dull. The mantel is empty, uninspiring. The spot that the tree filled is blatantly vacant. It's a little depressing. I mean, why couldn't we have lights strung around the house all year long? It's kind of fun.

But, hey, I guess if I really wanted to, I could start decorating for Valentine's day soon. I got an email today, January 5th, advertising some V-day gifts and treats. It's never too early to start shopping for little pink hearts and boxes of chocolates!

It never ends. I would say some really nasty things about marketers and advertisers right about now, but I am married to one of them. So never mind.

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