Monday, December 7, 2009

Peace, Love, Joy, Irritation

Here's this week's Sunday column on Westport Patch. When I told Jarv what the subject was, he said, "You really should be careful about having opinions about everything and being so judgmental all the time." But luckily, I'm writing an Opinion column for Patch. So, really, it would be quite a boring read if I wasn't so opinionated. Finally, my general state of grumpiness is good for something.

"I don't know about you, but until last weekend ended, I had been focused on Thanksgiving: getting to our friends' house for the weekend, making pies, eating pies. Good stuff like that. I'm just now starting to think about Christmas. 
So I was taken aback when I opened our mail the Friday after Thanksgiving and found, yes, a Christmas card waiting for us. It was sitting smack on top of the pile of catalogs and bills, all proud of itself with its cheery green envelope and special holiday stamp. I appreciate that this relative (on my husband's side, naturally) wanted to send us holiday greetings. But did she really have to do it on November 27?"

Read the rest at:

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