Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sayonara, Sarah

I was nearly apopleptic with joy when I heard that Ms. Palin had quit her Alaskan governorship in the middle of her term. I was in the midst of planning a celebratory parade when I heard that the reason may not have been that she was tired of Letterman making jokes about her daughters. Instead, she decided to bail out in order to focus on running for president in 2012. As a card-carrying Democrat, I think this is a brilliant idea. I mean, what better way to show people how devoted you are to public service than to quit the only real political job you've ever had? (No, I'm not counting being mayor of Wasilla. I'm fairly certain being head of tour local homeowner's association is most likely a bigger job.) Heck, I'm convinced. Look how reliable she is. How committed she is to serving her constituents.

Oh, actually, she's doing them a favor. You see, she's a lame duck since she announced she's not running for re-election in '10, so she might as well clear out now. I like that line of thinking. Only wish that little light bulb went off over George Bush, too.

One of her biggest weaknesses in '08 -- beside the fact that she knew next to nothing and had a hard time answering softball Katie Couric questions without soundin' like an idiot -- was that she has about a thimble's worth of government experience. Now, instead of racking up more quality time in office over the next three years, she's decided it's wiser to quit in order to fund-raise, strategize and schmooze. In other words, her "higher callin'."

I have just one question: who's going to be keeping an eye on Russia for us now? Oh, Sar-Bear, I know you're going to miss us all and the good, good times we've had together.

Right back atcha!

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