Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Scam Spam

Here's an amusing email I got this morning:


My name is Mr, Rudlaff Eckhard Martin ,a General merchant in Canada,but taking Treatment in Tokyo

Japan.I have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer (117.7) and prostate

that was discovered very late due to lack of caring

For my health. I have only about a few months to live according to medical


I am looking for someone reliable and trusted that can use my ($6,200M) for the

Less privileges and orphanage homes.

Since i can’t survive this illness. Please you can contact me through this

Email address:rudlaff_martin@yahoo.com.hk

Warm Greetings from,

Mr Rudlaff Eckhard Martin.


Of course! Doesn't everyone who is "dying" send out spam email to thousands of strangers asking for suggestions about which less privileged people could make use of his vast fortune? Happens all the time.

I'm so glad Mr. Martin informed me that he has esophogeal cancer (117.7). That sounds pretty legit. I guess the story must be true. Interesting, though, that he says he's Canadian yet clearly, English isn't his first language. Must be from Quebec.

I can't believe people still fall for this crap.

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