Thursday, July 9, 2009

So, Now What?

So the kids are off to camp and it's finally warmed up enough to feel like summer. We have thunderstorms only every other day now instead of every few hours. I know I should be more excited to go to the beach or maybe pick up a tennis racket for the first time in ages. But instead I feel a little bit....


The headband business is as slow as high fructose corn syrup these days and my manuscript is back to my editor which places me in the sitting and waiting phase that I must endure for a few endless weeks while waiting to find out if she deems it crap or passable. When she took a look at my last draft, she said she loved it and that it was adorable. And then she proceeded to outline five pages worth of things that I needed to change, including, if you can believe,..... the genre. Is that all? Well, then, no problem. So I'm trying not to check my email for a message from her hourly.

In the meantime, I've been organizing. Cleaning out the toy bins in the playroom. Sorting closets and shoe buckets in the mudroom. Going through the kids' art projects and school papers. And finally -- I'm most proud of this one -- I have returned the laundry room to its onetime pristine condition. It was packed with shirts that needed to be ironed. Pillows waiting to be washed. Old electronics. A broken vaporizer. Lonely single socks. It's all gone. Cleaned out. I'm extremely pleased. Now, anytime there are a few dirty clothes, I rush to wash, dry, fold and put away lest any build-up begin again. There's no place for baskets of dirty, smelly clothes in this laundry room.

See how bored I am? (It always comes back to the same general theme. I need to get out more.)

I guess the gal who asked me what I was going to do with myself while my kids were in camp may have had a valid question after all. Why I bother to blog about anything? I always end up eating crow.

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