Friday, February 26, 2010

Anatomy of a Snow Day

We had ANOTHER snow day again today. Aack. It was fun in December. Now, not so much. We haven't had a full week of school since some time in early February, I think. I'm jsut worried about the kids' education, you see.

Here's my recent article on snow days for Westport.Patch.

"7:00 am -- My son, QB, pounces into our room to let us know he's UP. Mind you, on a school day I can't drag him out of bed before 7:15, and that's after much prodding and blanket-removal.
7:10 am -- Tooth Fairy crisis. Oops, the fairy forgot to do her thing last night. Said fairy furtively slips a few bucks under QB's pillow. Later, he notes nonchalantly, "When I first got up, my tooth was still there, and then later I found some money and the tooth was gone." "Odd," I concur. "The Tooth Fairy's work ethic is slipping these days."
7:15 am – Despite my requests, QB and the cat play with a noisy toy in the hallway right in front of daughter Mopsy's open door.
7:16 am -- Mopsy's awake.
7:45 am -- Parental bribery begins. One episode of  Phineus and Ferb in exchange for another half hour of sleep. The accept my opening offer. Suckers.
8:15 am -- First sibling fight. Mopsy runs in to tell me QB yelled in her ear while they were playing a video game because she didn't want to be on that level but QB did want to be on that level and something else about a level. I don't really care all that much about the levels.
9:00 am -- Kids run outside to stockpile some ammo for a snowball battle later on. QB asks if I'll come out to help him find that snowball-making toy that he left outside weeks ago and is now fully hidden under the snow. He's a real kidder, that one. (Yes, this would be that same toy that we asked him a dozen times to pick up because he wouldn't be able to find it when it snowed.)
9:30 am -- Crisis in the home office. Husband can't find power cord for computer and needs me to help him! If power cord is really missing, he won't be able to work today! He needs to work today! Ah. Crisis averted. Power cord mistakenly sitting in trash can just inches from where it normally resides.
9:45 am -- First load of laundry. I have an ambitious goal for today: get completely caught up on the wash.  Call me an overachiever."

Click here to read the rest:

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