Sunday, February 14, 2010

Nerf Nuisance

My weekly column on Westport Patch:

"Is it just my neighborhood or are Nerf guns suddenly everywhere? Excuse me, I meant NerfBlasters. Those of you without 8 or 10-year-old boys might not know what these are. They're essentially enormous toy guns that shoot foam darts.
And, apparently, they're the most fun ever.
I'm anti-gun pretty much all the way around. I abhor actual weapons of all sorts and would never keep a gun in my house. When I found out my father-in-law stored a rifle at home and that my kids found it while playing there, I had a small cardiac event. When it comes to toys, I was hoping and praying we'd bypass the gun phase altogether. Unfortunately, my son, QB, had other plans."

read the rest at:

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