Saturday, April 18, 2009

About Town

I dragged myself to exercise class this morning, despite the fact that Mopsy kept me up between 3:30 and 5:30 a.m. (Not tired, she explained quite rationally. Ready to go downstairs and play!) I went to Go Figure in Westport, the hardest and best workout ever. It's amazing that using nothing but a playground ball and light weights for arm strengthening, that you can work so hard that you suspect you might lose your breakfast within the first five minutes of class. (That's an enthusiastic endorsement.) 

In case you were wondering, it's now official: work-outs and bacon aroma definitely do not mix. I don't know who was cooking up a dozen pounds of pig strips this morning, but the porky fragrance seemed to be piped directly into Go Figure's open windows. Not the best inspiration when you're trying to tighten and tone your own porky parts. We were all ready to gag.

But that didn't stop me from marching my newly-tightened fanny right over to the new Crumbs cupcakes that opened across from the Westport library. (Does a cupcake negate a full hour of sweat and tears? I hope not.) The new Crumbs is the most exciting thing that's happened around here since we got a Dunkin' Donuts. Everyone's a-twitter. Today was the grand opening and the big lure: free cupcakes for all! You wouldn't believe the line of people fighting their way in to claim their $3.75 treat. Mind you, these are people with $4 million homes. Then again, these days, I suppose we can all use any free cupcake we can get.

So far, a pretty good day.

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