Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cookie Caper

This is what I found in the pantry last night: an empty cookie container with about seven crumbs in the bottom. Hmm. Does the culprit think that he's actually fooling anyone with this? The old put-it-back-and-she'll-never-notice trick generally doesn't work with clear packaging. With a cardboard box, you might get away with polishing off the last of the cookies for a few days. Maybe a week, if you're lucky. But this? This is just careless. Lazy. 

If the cookie monster had simply recycled the box, I might not have ever noticed. This guy's just begging to be caught. 

The kids have both vehemently denied culpability -- with wide, innocent eyes. I'm thinking my prime suspect might be, say, 6' 4", bald, almost 43. The guy with the cookie crumbs on his upper lip and the guilty look on his face.

1 comment:

MikeWJ said...

At least they were organic cookies. :-)